Carbon Insoles for Foot Pain

Soreness inside the great toe or hallux joint that hurts when walking is usually frequently as a result of osteoarthritis and is commonly given the name more frequently referred to as hallux rigidus if the joint is very stiff or hallux limitus if it is not so stiff. Hallux rigidus is painful while walking, so if the joint is really painful resting, it can much more likely be gout pain than a hallux rigidus. With the hallux rigidus, when we are walking and the back heel commences to raise up off the floor, the big toe joint has to move for this motion to occur. If that movement is limited or there exists a painful osteoarthritis in the joint, then that it is not really as easy to walk. It’s a good idea that if this big toe joint hurts if walking, then a rational method to manage the pain on motion should be to restrict exactly how much the big toe joint flexes.

There are lots of methods to try this. One particular way that Podiatrists use is with felt pads which might be stuck on the foot beneath the big toe and front foot or strapping may be utilized to tape the joint. Both of these usually are excellent temporary methods, however unrealistic in the long run. Should you prefer a foot support for other reasons, there’s an extension that a Podiatrist can add on the front edge of the foot support which is termed as a Morton’s extension that can be used to stiffen up the big toe joint by restricting bending or flexion of the joint. One other way is by using a carbon fibre insert plate that usually are under 1.5mm thick for them to fit easily into the footwear and therefore are really inflexible. These carbon fibre plates are often helpful to take care of hallux rigidus along with other issues such as turf toe that need to restrict the movement with the big toe joint. The scientific data is that they are rather efficient at reducing the symptoms in the hallux joint in these conditions. A different way to treat the discomfort from the osteoarthritis and hallux rigidus is to just use shoes that can be more firm through the front foot. The more flexible the sole of the footwear is, the greater that the great toe or hallux joint will bend and the much more likely it is to be uncomfortable when walking. There are several shoes, particularly the Hoka running shoes, which have a rocker and further cushioning constructed into them that are especially beneficial at that. The consequence of the rocker in these footwear might be that the big toe does not have to flex just as much as the foot rocks forward on the rocker. A pedorthist or shoe tech can add a rocker to numerous different types of footwear to get the same thing.

In case you have hallux rigidus or arthritis of the big toe joint, then there are options for the short term to manage the pain and alternatives in the long term to control the movement of the hallux joint that it is much less painful.